outer-jessie's Diaryland Diary


complaint tras complaint

I'm going to try to do something, here. And I've never been good at doing things like this. But I am upset, and I do want to put my argument out there. Do I really want to debate? I don't think so. If what I'm about to say raises your blood pressure and makes you have an anxiety attack, stop reading it. Ok? You've been forewarned.

I'm against this so-called war on terrorism. A war on terrorism is like (searches for good analogy....that failing, changes tactics)...

Ok, this is bad, I have to start over. A war on terrorism makes the country look silly, like declaring a war on fairies. Worse than that, proclaiming that you're going to respond to terrorism in a war-like way is completely hypocritical, never mind that it only makes things worse. Why is there terrorism? Because people are evil? Or because people have something to say about the U.S.? It's not at all the most moral way of getting your statement out there, but it is damn effective, isn't it. How do you presume to silence the statement by declaring a ridiculous war on the speakers? In my opinion, we are only breeding more of them.

Why should the Afghans feel any gratitude for us? We are doing to them what their own country has been doing to them for years. And dropping enough food to feed one family for one day is hardly a humanitarian effort. Especially if children are running across mine fields to fetch them.

How can I be proud if we're dropping bombs on elderly care facilities? Yes, it was a mistake, but no, it didn't need to happen. How do you apologize for something like that? And apologize is what I will have to do. When I go abroad on vacation, and proudly admit to being an American, it will be "my" president's and military's actions that I will be held accountable for. Didn't I elect these leaders? Am I not responsible for what they are doing?

I'm ashamed, quite frankly. This was the best we could come up with? This, the most powerful and free country in the world, has fallen back on the rule of the Dark Ages, that might makes right. If you honestly think that there's nothing better we could have done than drop bombs, then you deserve this war, and you deserve your country's reputation.

Rant over. Now I have some questions for historians, or anyone who knows the answer. After the Roman Empire fell, what happened? What happened to the people; did they become slaves of another nation? How similar is this country now to the Roman Empire then? Are we looking at an analogous situation? I'm not being facetious, I really would like to know.

(listen: sound of gears switching)

I'm adding another cartoon to my favorite's list, in the spirit of declaring my undying love and devotion to Squigglevision. This cartoon is Home Movies, on the Cartoon Network. It's not mile-a-minute humor, like sitcoms with their cheap jokes, but it is laugh out loud kind of funny. At least, I laugh out loud. Last night I watched two episodes than I'd seen once or twice already, but I still laughed out loud. And, I had a moment of pure exhiliaration when I found out that the voice of the mother is the one and only Paula Poundstone. I love Paula Poundstone. Her humor gets me right in that spot that I used to whack on things when I was little and get all wiggily. Don't you just love when these little things in your life just come together?

And when I was thinking about the joys of Home Movies last night after the lights were out, I could not help comparing the show to Friends, which I hate with a passion. I think it perpetuates a lot of stupid myths that we have about each other, and the jokes, as mentioned, are cheap, and the characters nothing at all like real people. Yet I watch the show religiously and as often as possible. I just can't get over these contradictions in my personality.

And now, because I refuse to end this entry by talking about television, I'm going to change the subject yet again. Topic to be announced.

Last night was the first time in a long time that I have cooked macaroni and cheese and not eaten the whole box. But it required no self-control on my part. I actually made the mac and cheese because earlier I had made popcorn in hot oil. You see, in the tradition of KP, I thought I could heat up the oil and put the kernels in and pop them, and they would be lightly oiled and delicious, like she used to make them. However, I poured in enough popcorn to kill a cow and proceeded to burn the bottom layer, thereby wasting enough popcorn to kill a calf. And the popcorn that was salvageable, enough to kill a cat, was quite oily and plentiful. And I had to eat it all, because saved popcorn tastes like cardboard and it would be wasted if I didn't eat it. Long story needlessly longer, I felt queasy after consuming all this oily corn and cooked the mac and cheese to offset the dietary blunder I had made. It didn't really do too much offsetting.

Does calf+cat=cow?

Are we good now? Can I end this runaway entry? Good.

9:10 a.m. - 2001-10-26


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