outer-jessie's Diaryland Diary


There's cat poop in my fridge, which about sums up my mood.

I really have better things to do right now, but I'm so morose the only thing it makes sense to do is "write about my feelings" and blah blah blah all over the place.

Things are kind of stupid at the moment.

We leave for Las Vegas tomorrow afternoon. I had (have) a big fat list of to-do's to get done before then, and I haven't even crossed one thing off the list. They're big things too. Big, deadly, past-due things. And I can't seem to get through them.

My phone has been stolen. I think that sometime during the hoopla that was getting my car back from the shop for what is hopefully the last time, I left my phone behind. Apparently someone scooped it up, and here is how I know: somebody's been using it. So says the fine people at Verizon. I went back to where I think I left it but they hadn't seen it. I called it and sent it texts but it didn't find its way back to me. The fine people at Verizon checked on it for me and found that it had been used at 9:30 last night, long after I lost track of it, so somebody has it and is using it TO CALL SOMEONE OTHER THAN ME. So I had to email my father, who pays for it on his family plan, to tell him to suspend it. Now I'll probably never see it again, unless the kind soul, or the kind mother of the bad soul, who took it returns it to the car repair shop scene of the crime, and the car repair people get in touch with me via my girlfriend's phone. Because we have no other phone service. But that will probably not happen. So I am lost and phoneless and feeling really weird.

It's stupid, but it is unsettling.

That, and this Enterprise thing, which I had planned to call about and try to resolve today, but can't because my phone is gone. Dammit! I don't want this hanging over my head and I know it's going to be a pain to fix it, but it's going to have to wait at least until my girlfriend comes home from work and lends me her phone.

AND I got mad at my girlfriend this morning (and it's not her fault but it is very apparent that I want her more than she wants me) and there was no way for us to resolve it because we can't text out our anger toward each other with my no phone.

Holy whiny boringness, Batman! Let's keep going.

My father, after my email of lost phone shame, suspended my phone service and kindly emailed me to tell me I had 60 days to find it or file a claim for a new one. Kindly in the sense that he deigned to respond at all, and with a complete absence of "phone stealing is what happens when you leave your husband" sentiment to boot. It could have been worse.

My girlfriend, who, although prone to irrational anger and forgetfulness re: my not liking being ignored most especially when I'm angry, is a beautiful angel girl, emailed me illegally from work to, ok, not EXACTLY apologize, but at least to get in touch with me in my time of hurt feelings and phonelessness. Such gestures mean a lot to me in the post-era of non-confrontational passive-aggressiveness that was my marriage, so I was inclined to forgive her, via online, one-way texting (again, fine, FINE people over there at Verizon). It really is funny, and maybe kind of ironic if I were 100% sure of the definition of irony, that I am so grateful to be with her and so appreciative of how perfect she is for me, and that she will never know how good our relationship is because, my being her first, she has no basis for comparison on a personal level.

But I digress.

Whatever else may happen, and whatever life-long debt I may accrue, we ARE going to Vegas tomorrow, and we will have a great time. This work will be done in time, I will have a phone again someday soon, the kitten will stop pulling off his claw caps, I will get back to my birthplace before the end of the summer, and my girl and I will resume being happy in love by the time the day is done.

I could stand to not be such a morose little drama queen, for christ's sake.

7:40 a.m. - 2008-07-02


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