outer-jessie's Diaryland Diary


flashback from the survey age

I stumbled across this survey in my archives and wondered what it would look like if I took it again. So I took it again, and it looks like this.

15 years ago I:
(It's really hard to remember what I was doing at age 13, but this is what I can recall.)

1) Had just completed one year of living in a town other than the one I was born in for the first time and had developed a fairly stable group of friends (who were not necessarily stable themselves).
2) Played field hockey, my first and only athletic endeavor ever before or ever since.
3) Had a real hardcore crush on a girl from said field hockey team.
4) Was in an accelerated math program with some sometimes friends, sometimes enemies.
5) Wanted to go to Harvard (aim high, aim high, aim as high as you can go).

10 years ago I:
(I can't believe it's been 10 years since all this stuff happened.)

1) Was just graduating high school.
2) Was dating the guy I would eventually marry, but it was a secret.
3) Had been accepted to Mount Holyoke, early admission, which made my parents cry.
4) Got my license after botching my first attempt two years earlier.
5) Wanted to double major in psychology and Spanish, prompting many piss-poor jokes along the lines of "So you can be a psychologist in Spain? Nyuk nyuk nyuk."

5 years ago I:

1) Had just finished my first semester of grad school and was scared shitless and witless.
2) Was in the final throes of wedding planning.
3) Had just purchased a car for the first time.
4) Had just met the guy who influenced my decision to go into American Indian education.
5) Was in the middle of my first monsoon season.

2 years ago I:
(It's even harder to remember what was going on two years ago than it is to remember what was going on fifteen years ago. Since being in grad school I have completely lost track of time. *cue Twilight Zone theme song*)

1) Was happily married.
2) Began planning my dissertation research, thinking I would be done by December 2007. Ha ha ha ha ha!
3) Was working as an evaluator for the NASA Astrobiology Institute on a project on the Navajo Nation.
4) Had just met my hero in American Indian education, Dr. Greg Cajete, and made a terrific first impression by never attending the class he was offering one time only (because I was on travel for the project in #3).
5) Had bought a really crappy violin and thought I might learn to play in my free time (chortle, snort).

1 year ago I:

1) Was teaching at Upward Bound at Din� College, marking a turning point in both my personal and professional lives.
2) Lost twenty pounds as mysteriously as I had gained it.
3) Had met, developed an insane crush on, and consequently completely alienated the girl I now deeply love.
4) Lost my grandfather and childhood dog in the space of one month.
5) Couldn�t wait to get out of Arizona.

Yesterday I:

1) Made love with a beautiful, incredible, sexy girl.
2) Drove us home from Farmington, New Mexico to Globe, Arizona, in occasional downpours.
3) Realized that our upcoming rowdy Las Vegas vacation may become a child-friendly, all-family Las Vegas outing.
4) Further realized that the family may be under the assumption that because we take many trips, we have much money, as opposed to much debt and a lot of credit.
5) Wondered if I�ve destroyed my relationship with my own family for good this time, and what I�m going to do now.

Today I:

1) Am home "working on lesson plans" in my pajamas, which really means I am trying to get any kind of work done between fighting with the kitten for my own attention and procrastinating by doing things like this survey.
2) Am wondering what�s going to happen with that accident report from Enterprise (in which I supposedly left $1000 worth of damage to a truck I rented a few weeks back).
3) Am worried that my loveliest of girls might be getting sick.
4) Got depressed when I realized how much more work I have to do.
5) Broke out my fifteen dollar electric toy keyboard and tried to teach myself some of the songs from the Threshold Choir repertoire that I supposedly belong to.

Tomorrow I will:

1) Finish both my lesson plans and my lab manual as well as get the car�s tire changed.
2) Watch Cronos.
3) Clean at least one room, moderately to really well.
4) Possibly take the kitten in for 3 more shots (can�t remember if that�s tomorrow or Wednesday).
5) Put in at least 2 solid hours of data coding � which is not very much. At all.

Five items you have brand loyalty to:

1) I'll
2) buy
3) whatever's
4) cheap,
5) yo.

Five snacks you enjoy:

1) Trader Joe's white cheddar cheese poofs (I don't know what they�re really called). Actually pretty much any snack involving cheese and/or in poof form.
3) Edamame and salt.
4) Popcorn.
5) Goldfish crackers.
6) Nuts (pistachios, say, or maybe some cashews) or seeds (sunflower, primarily).

Five songs you know the words to, even without the lyrics:
(This question is somewhat passe, now that we all listen to our mp3 players 24/7.)

1) The Killers, When You Were Young
2) Journey, Don�t Stop Believin�
3) Death Cab for Cutie, Soul Meets Body
4) Almost anything by Nirvana (still, after all these years)
5) Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song

Five games you like:

1) Left Center Right
2) Pool
3) Yahtzee
4) Pass the Pigs (but it�s been a long while, man)
5) "How old do I look to you?" (I�m really good at this game; always a classic)

Five albums that changed your life:

1) U
2) m
3) .
4) .
5) .

(I'm too old to think about the life-changing power of albums. That's just silly.)

Five things you can�t live without:

1) MY CAR (I�ll never crash you again, Baby Car!)
2) High-speed internet
3) An occasional trip to the ocean so I can breathe
4) A fan to cool me while I sleep
5) My girlfriend�s touch

Five things you would buy with $1000:
(A mere drop in the bucket compared to my debt, but let's say it was a gift, and I have to use it to buy fun things instead of making a payment on my credit card bill.)

1) Plane tickets to Europe
2) 2 new books
3) 2 new pairs of shoes
4) Tomato plants and a new pot for the watermelon
5) An iced coffee and a Sobe

My top five guilty pleasures:

1) Q-tips
2) Cable
3) MySpace
4) Cheese
5) Napping (pre-nap masturbation optional but a bonus)

Top five musicians lately (or who�s in the CD player right now):
(CD player? What is this CD player of which you speak?)

1) Silversun Pickups
2) Vast
3) The Knife
4) Radiohead
5) Muse

Top five locations I�d like to run away to:

1) Paris
2) Vienna
3) Sevilla
4) London
5) Alaska

Name five bad habits you have:

1) Going slack-jawed
2) Leaving a mess behind me wherever I go
3) Texting while driving (hence crashing my car)
4) Talking too fast
5) Procrastinating

Name five people currently on your bad side:

1) My father (for things he said to me nearly 4 months ago, and I haven�t heard from him since)
2) Enterprise
3) The insurance guy from Geico who cost us an extra $300 in rental cars because he was so slow
4) Everybody who takes advantage of me and mine, although I know I should be more forgiving�what goes around comes around and all that.
5) Myself, for all the bad things I�ve ever done and all the stupid things I keep doing.

Name five things you�d never wear:

1) Those bug-eye looking sunglasses, except as a joke
2) A bolo tie (I may have had one of these as a kid, but it was a gift and I didn�t like it, I swear)
3) A toe ring (again, might have happened in the past, but NEVER AGAIN)
4) Spandex in lieu of regular pants, unless I am making some kind of statement (about wearing spandex in lieu of regular pants)
5) Dentures (I hope)

Name five tv shows you like:

1) America�s Funniest Home Videos
2) Spongebob
3) Bizarre Foods
4) No Reservations
5) Charlie and Lola

1:25 p.m. - 2008-06-30


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