outer-jessie's Diaryland Diary


And I'll get Pride and Prejudice

Guess who accidentally stole a pen cap from the post office this morning? Yes, I admit it, it was I. The bastard pen cap lies askew on my desk. I'm vacillating between tossing it and keeping it for a souvenir.

I've already started daydreaming about being a teacher. To be specific, I seem to be daydreaming that I am my own fifth grade teacher. She was cool. Her name was Mrs. Brandt. Her claim to fame, in my eyes, is that she was the one who told us the story someone had told her, about someone else's eyeballs' popping out when they sneezed. She told us she and her family covered their eyes in fear when they sneezed. This same fear never touched me, but nevertheless I've never forgotten the story.

The chances of my actually ever becoming an elementary teacher are incredibly slim. For one thing, I still haven't applied anywhere. For another thing, I have only the scantest amount of experience in a classroom. And...I talk really fast. About as fast as I type. Scary.

Albert, I dreamed you and I were making out last night. Rather passionately. And Rob was scheduled to make out with Katie. Apparently this was all part of some evil plan I had, to make the two of you jealous so that you'd fall in love. (brilliant ^) The worst part is that all of this was inspired by a thirty-second viewing of Boy Meets World.

Rob will not be pleased by this. He already thinks I'm in love with you. But anyway...happy birthday!

When I was little -- ok not really little, maybe more like teenaged -- I thought of taxes as the metaphor for adulthood responsibilities and the capitulation of your life and individuality into the arms of society.

In other news, I got my W2 in the mail yesterday.

This morning I had an intense desire to be Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan, in the scene where she comes out of Gary's pool and reclines in a lounge chair with sunglasses and a cheese curl. Although I'm afraid of skin cancer and don't like to tan, I would so like to be lying out in the sun right now.

In lieu of that, I have purchased more tea. It's lovely to come home and brew a cup and have a piece of cinnamon cake while I warm up. The great thing about having your bed for a couch is that you're only ever ten minutes away from a nap.

More weekend goodness: Friday I'll be running from work to home to my lesson, then maybe home again before running to South Station to catch a train to the Cape. You're not going to care about any of this, so please stop reading while I plan my itinerary for my own benefit.

* * *

If I go straight to the lesson after work, I'll have roughly an hour to kill downtown. It's cold out, and I've spent a lot of money this month, so I won't want to shop. I won't be hungry yet. If I go home before the lesson, I'll have about a half hour there. Don't know what I'll do in that time. On the other hand, I could go to the Boston Public Library and get a card and some books for my train ride. That is a fabulous idea. I'll do that.

The lesson ends at 6:10 and the train leaves at 7:25. I'll want to get to the station by about 7. I can probably get home around...twenty of? And then grab my luggage and a sandwich for the ride before I run back to the T. It's kind of nuts but it's better than bringing my luggage to my lesson, I think. Maybe not. If I don't go home, I'll get to the station at about 6:30. I can grab a sandwich or something at Au Bon Pain and read my library book for a half an hour. :) I can bring my luggage to the lesson; it's just one bag. Ok then! It's settled. Itinerary as follows:

leave work at four; go to library; have lesson; head to station

I'll have to bring my luggage to work, but oh well. That's all right. It's just one night's worth.

* * *

Ok, you can look again. When I get home I'm going to the mall with my Yo, to exchange some Christmas clothing for some pants. Hopefully Old Navy will be less of the aftermath of a bomb than it was the last time I was there.

I'm planning to take the fam and Rob to the movies on Saturday, then trek off to my granmammy's house to cook a chicken pot pie for the lot. I'm also considering making banana bread for dessert. And a bistro apple pizza for me and Rob on Sunday. When I get the inspiration to cook, it happens all at once. I have no food-related patience.

There's nothing good playing on the Cape. There goes that plan. How will I use up all these theater certificates?

Honestly, this entry is over. It was over about an hour ago when I should have stopped.

10:36 a.m. - 2002-01-09


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