outer-jessie's Diaryland Diary


happy days, only the red head is KP, not Opie


A most fabulous weekend. I don't know if I have the patience to describe all the fun I had. Everybody showed up, which is amazing all by its little self, and we had fantastic weather at Mount Holyoke and everything looked beautiful. Except for the giant hole outside the physics building, but after we oohed and aahed and discussed the many uses of such a hole, we were able to graciously ignore it.

We did many a wonderful thing. We climbed Mount Holyoke (the "mountain", not the college), we ate at Denny's (a thing I've never done), we slept in close quarters with each other (always good for a laugh or twenty), played badminton and frisbee (wherein I exemplified my prowess at missing the birdie and my abject fear of frisbees), we waited for about 45 minutes (?) for a nice long table in a Japenese restaurant (where I suggested sake for the table which, for the most part, was regarded with repulsion; oh well). Good lord, I misspelled Japanese. I must be a little excited.

Ohh, I had a great time. The air was so nice, and the spaces so wide open, and the drives so long and comfortable. I couldn't understand why I couldn't bear to be inside, until I realized that it was the first time I was able to be outside without being afraid or disgusted by what I was seeing. No, seeing fifteen people a day spit on the sidewalk is not a wilderness adventure. But losing a frisbee over the side of a "mountain" kinda is. It was all so, so beautiful. And the atmosphere was so much as I had remembered but forgotten. Huh? Well it was so open and friendly and accepting. I started falling in love with it again; or was it the cute girl, I don't know.

My glutes are a little sore from all the stairs, which most likely means I should be climbing stairs more often. No wonder I gained so much weight when I started living here! I walk all over the place, sure, but everything's flat. Well. Wasn't that a mouthful.



I kind of thought I could get used to and learn to love anything, but this city just isn't for me. I'm about as used to it as I can be, but I love it not one bit. I'd like to live in Northampton for a while, if I didn't have this ungrounded feeling that it's far from society. I seriously don't know why I feel that way. Or why I should care, what with my opinion of society. But still, if I could get over that I think I'd be really happy there. The skies alone...

Then on the way home my trip was soured by the sour things that happened, which was nothing much in truth.

But I squished my leftover mooshu chicken and it leaked all over my bag. Dag nabbit. And the T stalled ONE STOP before mine, and about twenty minutes from complete darkness. I could have made it home before twilight was completely over, but because of the stupid train, I did not. I had to fear for my life as I anteloped my way home, stewing about the pain and suffering I would bestow upon any rapist who dared to injure me in any way.

So in the end, I was so happy to be home. I hadn't expected that at all. I was very tired (3 am bedtime both nights up there) and pissed about the mooshu, but I talked to my friends online and watched Mrs. Doubtfire and felt pretty fine, really. Rob came home (there's that "home" again) around midnight and came to bed smelling like someone else (that is, he didn't smell like himself), which I found disturbing, but I was so glad to see him and have him there. I slept about as peacefully as a baby with a fever, which if you don't know, is not peaceful at all. But that had nothing to do with anything except the fact that my fan is now officially broken and I can't sleep without it. I had to splash much cold water on my eyes to wake them up this morning.

And now for something completely different.


Cheesejoe got his wedgeshirt stuck in a car door today. The cloth stuck on the clasp in such a way that the door could not be opened, which was bad news for poor Cheesejoe. You might think that a wedgeshirt would be sufficiently form-fitting to avoid getting caught in car doors, but you would be wrong. Cheesejoe and his best pal, Reggie the Wedgie, spent the better part of a day forcing their impressive wedges between car and door, but to no avail. "Hm," said Reggie the Wedgie. "We're going to have to try something different. But what?" Cheesejoe scratched his curvaceous swiss head and left a little pile of shavings on the ground, which was lucky because that's where I was keeping my steak sub. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off over Reggie's head, illuminating both his bulbous lobes equally. "I've got it!" he said. Reggie pulled his fuzzy cotton headband out from between his lobes and rolled under the car. He flickered the headband over the car's belly. "Ha ha!" said the car. The car began rocking and snorting, and finally flailing his doors about to defend himself from the incessant tickler. "A ha!" said Cheesejoe, who was now a free and happy wedge. Unfortunately, Reggie the Wedgie was severely injured by the rocking car, and had to sit on a donut-shaped pillow for many weeks. The end.

12:40 p.m. - 2001-09-17


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